"Don't fool yourself, you don't stand a chance"
I’m fucking outraged! This right winged conservative Arian bitch needs to get sent the fuck back in time and left in the 50s when women were barefoot and pregnant. She has NO RIGHT to be on TV and supporting her family with her prehistoric value system. She’s a pro-life, bush loving, Neanderthal. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was anti-semetic to boot.
I was late to work today because I couldn’t tear myself away from the View to hear what ignorance was spewing from her lips. Not only did she fully support the president and all of his efforts, but she even went as far to say, and I quote, “ I did not sense desperacy in his speech.” Desperacy what the fuck does that mean Hasselbeck do you also use conversate instead of converse. Desperation is the word you were looking for!
I want this BITCH FIRED!!!
She wants to put women back in time and I cannot believe she has procreated and is going to pass on her ignorance to future generations. She does not speak for me and I am ashamed that she is representing my generation on broadcast television LIVE everyday to all of America. Most of this country is filled with ignorant fucks and now they listen to this dribble. The View reaches over 3 million viewers… did you hear me, 3 MILLION viewers. Think for a second who these 3 million people are who are actually at home at 11am week days. I have even scoured the Internet looking for a clip from the show where she bashed the morning after pill but it has been erased from youtube (wonder why?). Honestly, I’m so worked up right now talking about her. She makes me fucking sick, I’ve cursed like a sailor throughout this whole rant. I should be using my words, you know considering I have some command on the English language, unlike our fair Hasselbeck. Oooo those women on the View should hire me, America will not know what hit them. Ratings would skyrocket. I needed to vent about this.
Below you will find some facts about Hasselbeck:
Elisabeth represents the conservative position on The View, defending creationism and opposing euthanasia and abortion. She was a supporter of President George W. Bush's reelection campaign and delivered a primetime speech at the 2004 Republican National Convention.
She has taken up cervical health as her personal crusade and encourages women to have regular exams. In recent years she has worked with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Making Memories Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, The Wireless Amber Alert Program Initiative and The World Scholar Athlete Games.
Since her appearance on Survivor, she has married (in July 2002) her college sweetheart, current New York Giants backup quarterback Tim Hasselbeck
On an episode that aired on August 2, 2006, Hasselbeck got into a heated debate in which she strongly opposed the Food and Drug Administration's plan to sell the "morning after pill" as an over-the-counter drug. Experts are unsure as to whether the pill only prevents the release of an egg or also prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg. Hasselbeck stated, "I believe that life begins at the moment of penetration... and when that egg is fertilized..." She felt the pill should even be banned in cases of rape and incest, because even then "that life still has value." Hasselbeck argued that advocates of the drug use the "rape or incest" exception as a bait-and-switch distraction from their real desire to make it universally accessible. She argued if the "rape or incest" exception was all advocates cared about, they would not support its over-the-counter status.
The U.S. imports 60% of its oil and barley produces 10%. While Brazil's efforts are being closely followed by countries with big fuel bills. India and China have sent a parade of top officials to see Brazil's program.
House Votes to Rescind Oil Drillers’ Tax Breaks: Looking to invest $ in alternative fuels
Great Article Discussing this issue:
Brazil's National Program for Alcohol: a few facts
With the 1973 oil crisis the Brazilian government, then run by the general Emílio Garrastazu Médici, initiated in 1975 the Pró-Álcool program.
The Pró-Álcool or Programa Nacional do Álcool (National Alcohol Program) was a nation-wide program financed by the government to phase out all automobile fuels derived from fossil fuels (such as gasoline) in favour of ethanol. It began with the anhydrous alcohol to blend with the gasoline. This mixture has been used since then and is now done with 24% of alcohol and 76% gasoline. The program successfully reduced by 10 million the number of cars running on gasoline in Brazil, thereby reducing the country's dependence on oil imports.
The decision to produce ethanol from fermented sugarcane was based on the low cost of sugar at the time. Other sources of fermentable carbohydrates were tested such as the manioc.