Can you imagine getting up for your 9am class, groggy from the late night you spent studying, drinking, finishing a paper hocked up on caffeine. To arrive at your 1st class settling in your seat to absorb this mornings lecture and all of a sudden chaos breaks out.
This could have been any campus USA.
This lunatic at Virgina Tech has taken the lives of 32 people. He was a student at Virgina Tech, Chi Seung-Hui, 23 a senior from South Korea. People who didn't deserve to die and had no way of fighting back. The fear and imagery that these students will live with is too much to bear. I can't even imagine how the families are handling the grief. One student said, the gunman was calm and focused. "The gunman in Norris Hall was described as a young Asian man with two pistols who calmly entered classrooms and shot professors and students. He peeked into the German class in Room 207, witnesses said, then pushed his way in. (nyt)" Laying out round after round into these unsuspecting students and teachers. Students even had to jump from the second story classroom to reach safety. This story gives me chills and makes me sick to my stomach. My condolences go out the families affected by this tragedy. Any one of us could have been one of these students, just getting to their first class of the day.
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