Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Daily News : December 5th, 2007

Some serious shizah: Millions of missing white house emails

Congress has a better work schedule then a school teacher, only problem is they NEED to be at work more.
"In the proposed 2008 schedule, the House will meet 248 days in the 110th Congress, compared with 211 days in the last Republican-led Congress, according to figures maintained by the majority leader's office."

Bill Mahr

Don't be a good Samaritan

La Cosa Nostra: Italy mob moss swallowed secrets before dying

"The target for 10 of OPEC's 13 members will remain at 27.253 million barrels a day. The group's newest members, Angola and Ecuador, were given daily production quotas for the first time, of 1.9 million barrels and 520,000 barrels, respectively. That brings the combined target for 12 members to 29.673 million barrels a day. Iraq has no quota."

HIV Positive Navy Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Who's a cutie!

A football feel good piece

He shouldn't even get a second chance, Imus.

Tanker Explodes

Health Pros and Cons of Drinking

Spanx, love 'em.

Hillary's Hard hitting Hipster

TopShop is coming to the States! Ladies. Rejoice!

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